Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Merry Christmas to ME!

As one tired mommy, I love my coffee. I've wanted one of these for awhile now, but my husband wasnt a fan. So this year, with my christmas money... I got myself one, haha! Since he'll be gone quite a bit over the next year or so, I got tired of grinding and making 4 cups of coffee only to use one. (I mean, when you make one cup in a 8 cup coffee maker, it tastes terrible!) Plus the drips from the filter, etc. I just made my first cup with this bad boy...and so far, LOVE it! Also I got a reusable cup called "My K-Cup" where you can use your own coffee, for those (like Tom) who think it's crazy to pay $0.50 per cup (despite the fact we go to starbucks...alot). Best of both worlds if you ask me :-) We'll see the verdict when Tom returns from his latest adventure.
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Sarah Holland said...

My parents got Blake one as an early birthday gift. We love it!!

Katie said...

oooh i want to come over and check it out. i feel a saturday girls morning with bfast and coffee! :)

Faith said...

sarah- it's fantastic! i dont know how i've lived without it for so long ;-)

katie- anytime, girl! although i have to tell you, i'm THE WORSE pancake maker...ever...