I've become a big fan of documentaries, I think in part to Netflix "Watch Instantly" not having a shortage of them! Well, I've heard tons about Food Inc. and had been putting off watching it until last weekend. Tom and I have watched our share of animal/food mistreatment shows (mostly on Gordon Ramsay's "The F Word"). He's far from vegetarian, but along the lines of Food Inc. encourages people to know where your food comes from and to buy locally. The surprising thing about Food Inc is that it focuses a lot on the treatment of employees of these giant "industries". Very interesting, so if you haven't seen it, SEE IT. It's really well produced movie, lots of information, not just shock value.
We also watched "The Business of Being Born" which was supposed to be about health care and why women are choosing home births. But it definitely wasn't well made, and didnt really have any compelling arguments that would make a woman think twice (believe me I'm 9 days away from a scheduled repeat cesarean) about a hospital birth. In fact, the main woman they are following goes into preterm labor, with the cord wrapped around the infants neck, and the infant also has had restricted growth and therefore needed an emergency cesarean! Which is exactly why I'm all for medical intervention! I am in full support of midwives and doulas and natural birthing options but when you're talking about an infants life "err on the side of caution." Even if it's 1% of the time that a woman has complications, that's not a risk I personally would take. Enough about that :-)
2 years ago